What information have you received about the new school?
“We’re still on track to be in the new school in September 2018, but that is based on the approval from the city to rezone where the townhouses are from townhouse to school, and the board is hoping that the answer will be heard in November. If it’s approved then they can apply for a demolition permit of those townhouses and begin the building of the new school.”
Approximately when do you think the school will be built?
“I’ve been told that the actual building takes 18 months from start to finish so if they start in winter of 2017, that should allow us to be in the new school in September of 2018. I’ve also been told realistically, from the project manager, that it may be more likely that we’re in the new school in September 2019.”
How much will the new school cost?
“That is handled by the board; I know that funding was provided from the ministry and they will go from there.”
How do you think the students and parents will react to the move?
“Well, many of the students here won’t be affected by the move so it will not have any bearing on them. I think the students who are going to be in the new building, I think they’ll be excited and relieved that it finally happened. But at the same time I think many people will have some sadness leaving the current building that we’re in that has a huge history because it was built in 1960, but I think they will be excited to be in a new building.”
What is going to happened with sports like soccer, track and field, tennis and field hockey?
“Well, there will be a field so soccer and field hockey can still occur. We have a very good relationship with Tyndale College, so I think it will be possible to use their tennis court if we make an agreement with them and perhaps the track. As a former track and field coach at St Joseph’s Morrow Park, we didn’t use our track often so we will go to Brebeuf to use the track there, so I think that arrangement will still continue, but as far as soccer and field hockey, the field will be fine too for those sports.”