from the editor's desk
Editor's Message:
Isabelle Espaldon
This year’s Editor-In-Chiefs are Ann Marie and Isabelle. We’re both so excited to present to you the first issue of our 11th volume. Our jobs as editors are to overlook the executive staff and to make sure all things run smoothly. Our executive staff have worked hard producing this issue from brainstorming the issues to editing all of the articles. We also want to thank all of the writers, and photographers for their dedication in taking the time and effort to contribute to our school newspaper. All of us really enjoyed working on this issue of the Pawprint. Hopefully, you do too.

Assistant Editor's Message:
Kathryn Szakacs
04/01/2023 - 05/10/2023
This year’s assistant editors are Kelsey Iyonmana, Anisa Khalfan, Claire McCanny, and Kathryn Szakacs. We all would like to thank the Pawprint staff and Ms.Damiano for their dedication to the first article of the new school year and our 11th volume. They all worked very hard to finish writing, editing and taking photos for the deadline while balancing their school and after-school lives. We hope this issue is a good one.