Every year there is an opening assembly to welcome new students to, and returning students back, to SJMP. The assembly is hosted by the year’s Executive Council ; this year’s council consists of Ever Imafidon as Premier, Grace Ramajo as Deputy Premier, Pamela DeVera as Secretary, and Saron Tecle as Treasurer. Together, they are the Millennium Council.
Executive Council is in charge of making the school year as memorable and fun as possible for everyone. Opening Assembly is the first event which student council holds in order to introduce themselves to the school, as well as the ministries and clubs offered for students to participate in. The assembly started off with the Executive Council going back in time in order to watch new episodes of the old 90’s TV shows that were such a huge part of our childhoods.
As it was Colour Wars that day, students sat grouped by grade to show their school spirit while also trying to prove that their grade was superior to all the rest. Grade nines wore purple, grade tens wore red, grade elevens wore blue, and grade twelves wore white. Afterwards, the assembly began with a cheer to pump up all the students for the assembly to come. Then the actual event began with Executive Council introducing themselves, and their journey back in time to the 90’s. The school viewed several wonderful skits based on 90’s TV shows that were performed by the ministers from Peer Ministry’s skit based on the show Law and Order which involved the case of the stolen pen, to Liturgical Ministry’s skit on Pokémon and its importance in being good in the world. Art Ministry’s skit based on the Powerpuff Girls and its fight against the evil villain of Dullness and Prom Ministry’s skit based on the show Fresh Prince of Bel-air and the main characters journey to find the perfect prom date. Academic Ministry’s skit based on the show Full House, which was about one’s journey through high school and the amazing things that can be achieved. As well the assembly included various other performances by clubs such as Anime Club’s dance routine, Kpop’s dance routine to Korean Pop music and the Glee Club’s performance to a medley of Beyonce’s latest hits which amazed a lot of people with their awesome voices. Overall, the assembly was a blast, and everyone had a great time watching the marvelous talents that our school had to offer. What a great assembly the Milenium Council put together.